Monday, December 1, 2008

Coming to an End

Coming to an End

I have three weeks until my mom flies into Italy herself and I get to show her around the city I’ve been lucky enough to live in for the last few months. We’ll spend Christmas and New Years here, three days in Rome and then back home to America for the both of us. That means that finals are upon me and time is going to fly by quicker then you can say some stupid long drawn out word.

It’s almost the end of my experience here, and I think I’m actually ready for it. I’m excited to see my mom and show her around here. Then I get to go home, and be comfortable. Nothing is cozy here, nothing is home. Though that might sound negative, it’s not entirely that way. Home is home and home is the USA. Home is my own bed, with my sheets and my roommates and my language.

I wish I had learned more Italian, and met more Italian people. I tried, I signed up for a conversation partner and I tried to speak Italian whenever possible, but when you’re in a place that is so full of tourists the locals start to talk to you in English as soon as the first word comes out of your mouth it’s a little hard.

I think I’ve learned some things about the world, I’ve learned a little about living in a different place, and how they live. I’ve seen things older then my own country, I’ve eaten too much new food, enough to gain 10 lbs, and I’ve tried to speak a different language. I can not go home and say that I didn’t gain anything, because I have.

I’ve seen everything from the Duomo of Florence, The Eiffel Tower, and the home of Mozart. I’ve seen priceless pieces of art work by Da Vinci, Monet, Degas, Botticelli, and many, many others. I’ve lived a dream, but now it’s time to come back down from the clouds and I’m ready for my landing captain.

I’m coming home in a little over a month, I’m coming home to snowboarding, spending a lot of time at the gym, the photo lab, I’m coming home to my loving roommates, putting my room back together and making it mine again.

I’m leaving Europe as a whole, new friends and roommates, history, all the art from my history books, the Italian language, and so much more.

But Ciao Bella Italia and hello America the Beautiful I’m coming home!

1 comment:

Krista Smith said...

The first to comment again! Oh yeah! This is my favorite entry. I'm so happy for you! I'm so glad you loved Italy, but you still love America. I can't wait to see you again! Love you!